The A-20 is a stereo power amplifier operating in pure class A. It incorporates a wealth of sophisticated Accuphase high-end technology. Each circuit device used in the A-20 has been strictly selected to provide top-grade performance. Its conservative power rating combined with unsurpassed musical realism make the A-20 ideal for use as a stand-alone amplifier in a small quality-oriented system or as a midrange/high-range amplifier in a multi-amplification setup.
Output stage with power MOS-FETs in 3-parallel push-pull configuration and modular construction delivers linear power: 80 watts/ch into2 ohms, 40 watts/ch into 4 ohms, 20 watts/ch into 8 ohms.
In order to prevent occasional transients in the musical signalfrom causing undue clipping, the maximum clipping level has been set to 50 watts (8 ohms).

Current feedback circuit topology prevents phase shifts.
Since the use of current feedback results in stable operation with correct phase relationships, it has become possible to design a gain control which controls the amount of negative feedback. When amplifier gain is diminished, residual noise also becomes lower. This is especially welcome when driving highly efficient midrange speakers and tweeters in a multi-amplification system.

Bridged operation mode creates a true monophonic amplifier with 160 watts
into 4 ohms or 80 watts into 8 ohms.
Balanced connection reliably blocks induced noise.
Robust power supply with large power transformer and high filtering capacity.
High-purity copper is commonly used in audio components for signal path
The A-20 goes one step further by providing gold-plating for printed circuit
board traces as well as for the input jacks and speaker terminals. This
approach results in a distinct sonic improvement. The large analog power
meters have a peak hold function which lets the user easily monitor the
output level of the rapidly fluctuating music signal. Thanks to logarithmic
compression, the meters cover a wide dynamic range. Switches for gain selection
and illumination control are also provided.