Sensitivity :
40 dB Quieting Sensitivity: 29 dBf (lHF)
50 dB Quieting Sensitivity: 37 dBf (IHF)
Signal-to-Noise Ratio at 80 dBf : 85 dB (A-Weighted)
Total Harmonic Distortion :
With SELECTIVlTY switch set to NORMAL
at } 75 kHz deviation
20 Hz |
1,000 Hz |
10,000 Hz |
0.04 % |
0.04 % |
0.04 % |
Intermodulation: Distortion :
Will not exceed O.03 % (Antenna input 8O dBf, }75 kHz deviation)
Frequency Response :
+0. -1.0 dB, 10Hz: to 16,000 Hz
Stereo Separation :
100 Hz |
1,000 Hz |
10,00O Hz |
50 dB |
50 dB |
40 dB |
Stereo and Muting Threshold : 20 dBf
Antenna Input :
75-ohm Unbalanced
Tuning System :
Quartz-lock frequency synthesized tuningsystem Preset
tuning random memory for 32 stations
FM Detector
DGL (Differential Gain Linear) Detector
Output impedance :
BLALANCED, XLR type : 200 ohms (100 ohms/100 ohms)
Audio output FIXED : 200 ohms
Audio output CONTL0LLED : 1.25 kohms max.
Meter :
Multipath/Signal Strength (delectable)
Power Supply and Power Consumption :
Compatible to 100/120 V and 220/230/24O V 50/60 Hz operation
(Voltage as indicated on rear panel)
Consumption: 15 Watts
Maximum Dimensions :
475 mm (8-11/16") width, 140 mm (5-1/2) height (max.), 4O2 mm (15-13/16)
Weight :
9.5 kg (20.9 lbs) net, 14.5kg (32 lbs) in shipping carton
Supplied Remote Commander RC-12
Remote Control System: lnfra-red Pulse
Power Supply: 3 V DC (two IEC R6 batteries)
Dimensions: 64 mm (2-1 /2") width, 149 mm (5-7/8")
height, l8 mm (11/l6") depth
weight: 145g (0.3 Lb.) including batteries